
Friday, March 21, 2014

Book Review: Miss Brenda and the Loveladies

Miss Brenda and the Loveladies: A Heartwarming True Story of Grace, God, and GumptionMiss Brenda and the Loveladies: A Heartwarming True Story of Grace, God, and Gumption by Brenda Spahn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a great, inspiring book. it was a pretty quick read, and I was sad when I got to the end! The book tells the true story of Brenda, a self-professed addict to making money as her wealth and success is stripped away and she is almost sent to prison. She feels led by God to do more with her life and chooses to work with women in prison and rehabilitating from prison as that almost happened to her. She volunteers for a while and then gets the idea to start a "whole way house" rehabilitation program. Expecting white collar criminals as she almost was and as she'd had worked with when she volunteered, shed gets a houseful of hardened drug users, attempted murderers, armed robbers, etc. The story is mostly told from Brenda's viewpoint, but I loved that there were several chapters told by the women themselves.The book does an excellent job of helping the reader understand the fear and difficulties these women face as they integrate back into society. The authors include wonderful scenes that bring the women and their struggles to life, like the first trip to walmart. I love that the book ended by sharing what several of the first women are doing today.  I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to be inspired to step outside their bubble and do something. We can't all do what Brenda did but we can all change our attitudes and help others.

I recieved a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

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